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Mr Michael Bickford


  • General Surgery

Mr Bickford graduated in medicine from Monash University. He gained his Australian Fellowship in surgery in 1986 after extensive surgical training undertaken at Melbourne’s Alfred Hospital in association with the Royal Australian College of Surgeons. After two years of post-graduate study in the United Kingdom, specialising in upper gastro-intestinal surgery, he returned to Melbourne where he joined the staff of Southern Health Care Network and a private surgical group practice.

Mr Bickford continues to run a vibrant patient-centred surgical practice serving the Eastern suburbs of Melbourne at Mulgrave Private Hospital.

In addition to his general surgical service, Mr Bickford has a regular upper gastro-intestinal list focusing on Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography (ERCP).

Mr Bickford is currently a Senior Skills Instructor with the Royal Australian College of Surgeons.

Mr Michael Bickford

Churchill Consulting Suites

Mulgrave Private Hospital

Blanton Drive

Mulgrave  Vic  3170

Phone: 03 9210 7277